
New album by Hildá Länsman & Tuomas Norvio - out now



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Čuojahat Mu by Hildá Länsman & Tuomas Norvio

"Čuojahat Mu" (Resonance) is a love song in the indigenous Northern Sámi language, featuring Hildá Länsman’s ethereal voice and tender songwriting, intertwined with vocal sampling, pulsating beats, and intricate production from Tuomas Norvio. The single explores soundscapes at the intersection of joik, bittersweet pop, and minimalistic, focused electronica.

Jođi by Hildá & LávreJođi is a joik-song based on the traditional Sámi saying “Jođi lea buoret go oru”, meaning it is better to be on a journey than staying put in one place.The song won first place in the Sámi Grand Prix 2021 song and joik cont…

Jođi by Hildá & Lávre

Jođi is a joik-song based on the traditional Sámi saying “Jođi lea buoret go oru”, meaning it is better to be on a journey than staying put in one place.

The song won first place in the Sámi Grand Prix 2021 song and joik contest.

Uvjamuohta / Powder Snow by Solju

Solju’s newest album Uvjamuohta was released on the 9th of September, 2022.

The yoiks in this album have their origin in one particular spring when the two of us herded together. It was special to follow nature's variation. To find one's way to the herd through snowstorms in the evening and to enjoy those balmy days with fairweather. That was when new yoiks came about.

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Vildaluodda / Wildprint by VILDÁDuo VILDÁ combines mystical yoiks, swinging rhythms and improvisation in a fascinating way. Infuenced by contemporary pop music and Finnish folk music, a unique soundtrack is born that will carry the listener to the n…

Vildaluodda / Wildprint by VILDÁ

Duo VILDÁ combines mystical yoiks, swinging rhythms and improvisation in a fascinating way. Infuenced by contemporary pop music and Finnish folk music, a unique soundtrack is born that will carry the listener to the northern fells, where the winds of the Sámiland blow.

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Čihkkojuvvon / Hidden by GájanasGájanas or “echo” is a band that plays northern Sámi ethno-progressive music. The group comes from the Anár-Ohcejohka area in the northern part of Finland. Echoes of Sámi tradition encounter the present moment and for…

Čihkkojuvvon / Hidden by Gájanas

Gájanas or “echo” is a band that plays northern Sámi ethno-progressive music. The group comes from the Anár-Ohcejohka area in the northern part of Finland. Echoes of Sámi tradition encounter the present moment and form a colorful combination in the music of Gájanas. One can also hear a dialog between the traditional and modern Sámi music.

The debut album “Čihkkojuvvon / Hidden” was released on Sámi national day, February 6th 2021.

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Ođđa Áigođat - New Times Remixed by SoljuSolju is formed by Ulla Pirttijärvi and her daughter Hildá Länsman, who combine their heritage of northern Sámi language and traditional chant, known as yoik, with a desire for new and innovative music. Solju…

Ođđa Áigođat - New Times Remixed by Solju

Solju is formed by Ulla Pirttijärvi and her daughter Hildá Länsman, who combine their heritage of northern Sámi language and traditional chant, known as yoik, with a desire for new and innovative music. Solju provides a dialogue of traditional and modern Sámi culture. Solju is proud of their indigenous roots and want to show it to the world.

Sámi culture and identity lie at the heart of the music, reflecting mythology and aspects of the traditional lifestyles of their homeland, taking the listener to the far north of Europe: Sápmi. Their soundscape ranges from the expansive wilderness of the tundra to the most intimate lávvu fireplace.

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“Lanjas sámemusihkkár Hildá Länsman ja Wayuu-álbmogii gullevaš musihkkár Lido Pimienta deaivvadeaba dáidaga hámis. Nissonat geahččaba nuppiideaskka čalmmis čalbmái olles lanja sturrosaš dáiddaduojis, man namma lea sámegillii ‘Deaivvadeapmi’”.

— Linda Tammela / Yle Sápmi


Hildá Länsman – kunstneren som ikke klarer å sitte stille

I dag beskriver hun seg selv som en slags kameleon, som takket være musikken klarer å tilpasse seg nye situasjoner.

— June Bjørnback / NRK Sápmi

"This tradition goes to eleven!”

“This is a stunning début that serves as textbook study in how to keep one’s own tradition alive in today’s urban and multicultural world.” - Amanda Kauranne, Finnish Music Quarterly 2021

"Saamelaismusiikki ei ole mikään genre"

Kansanmusiikki on monelle sokea piste. Siksi Vildán ehdokkuus lupaavia eurooppalaisartisteja esittelevässä palkintogaalassa tuli YleX:llekin yllätyksenä.


“Minusta on hienoa, että voi olla monenlaisia tapoja lähestyä omaa perinnettä. Joku voi olla sitä mieltä, että joikuun ei sovi mikään instrumenttiosuus, ja tuen sitä näkemystä.”

— Hildá Länsman, article in Muusikkojen Liitto